In School effects

In school, our students have shown tremendous change since we introduced PRIDE. They have improved in all aspects of their education. From their improved focus and understanding, to their excessive helpful behavior. All students have become intelligent role models to each other and have made education at our school prestige.

At homeeffects

As a school, we want PRIDE to be with our students through all of their life, not just in school. With perseverance, responsibility, and integrity, we know our students can accomplish anything. PRIDE should also reflect at home. Students show great behavior and attitude in school, and these perspectives should be demonstrated at home too.



In teachers and students

Our PRIDE standards have brought new student-teacher communication to our school that helps their education excel. Now, students have a way know that teachers do recognize their good-doings and can be rewarded with a simple PRIDE card. Not only do they have it to show that they're good students, but they can enter them for a small prize at the end of the month or for a chance to have the PRIDE flag fly for them.